Viime viikolla selailimme vanhoja valokuvia, ja siellä oli kuva minusta ja tästä tytöstä. Ilokseni olin kirjoittanut sekä hänen etu- että sukunimensä kuvan viereen. Sitten vain katsomaan, jos löytyisi facebookista.
Tänään sain vastauksen viestiini. Oli sama tyttö. Vastaus sai hymyn huulille.
Oli mukavaa lukea mitä hänelle kuuluu. Yhtäläisyyksiäkin löytyi; hän on opettaja. Tosin vanhemmille oppilaille, 16-19 vuotiaille.
Olisinkohan ikinä kuullut hänestä mitään ilman sosiaalista mediaa? Tuskinpa.
Meaning the loveliness og facebook :) A few days ago I was searching an old friend from the facebook. We've met about 8-9 years ago. I found a couple girls with the same name, and I send a message to one of them. She visited Finland when I was in high school, and she stayed at our place. They were some students from our friendschool or something. She was a nice girl, and when she left I had her address. We were supposed to keep in touch. But I lost the address. And that was it.
Last week we were going through some old pictures, and there was a picture of me and this girl. I had written her first and family name next to the picture. Then I searched facebook.
Today I got an answer to my message. It was the same girl. The answer brought smile to my face.
It was nice to read how she was doing. There were some similarities too; she is also a teacher. For older pupils, aged 16-19, but still.
I wonder if I would have ever heard anything about her without this social media. I doubt that.
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