Eilen oli Overall-pippalot, joihin vaihtareiden kanssa suuntasin. Ensin istuttiin iltaa meillä, ja lopuksi suunnattiin Onnelaan. Tuttuja ei pahemmin näkynyt, ainoastaan oma porukka. Oli kyllä hauskaa. Itseni lisäksi porukassa oli kaksi islantilaista, yksi kreikkalainen ja yksi pohjois-irlantilainen. Kommunikoimme pääsäänstöisesti englanniksi, mutta eilen hieman innostuimme vaihtamaan pari sanaa saksaksi ja ranskaksi :) Ehkäpä tästä johtui hieman oudot unet, sillä uneni olivat monikielisiä :)
Tällä viikolla oli yksi todella kaunis päivä. Oli ihan pakko ottaa kuva kun olin matkalla yliopistolta kotiin. Laatu ei ole kummoinenkaan..
Time seems to go by so fast. Week after week. Last week was quite busy, I had some school stuff, and this week I've had two exams. On Tuesday I had a meeting conserning my final assigment. I expected to have some answers, but instead I got more questions. Now I'm waiting forward my next meeting with other students so that I can talk about this with them.
Yesterday was the Overall-party, and I went there with a few exchange students. First we had a small pre-party at our place, then we headed to Onnela. I didn't really see anyone that I know, only our own group. It was fun. Our group was me, two from Iceland, one from Greece and one from Northern Ireland. Our commnication happens in English most of the time, but yesterday we talked few words in french and german :) And probably that was the reason why I had funny dreams. My dreams were multilingual :)
We also had a pretty beautiful day one day. I had to take a photo on my way to home from the university. The quality isn't much...